Sunday, 7 October 2012

Bring on the Light!

I haven't the slightest idea why but this week, I was intrigued by the idea of the sea! So using my cool five bulb light and calm blue filters, my group and I created some blue waves and orange gold fish (using an led flashlight and an orange filter) swimming about. We left our shutter speed to 30 seconds giving us more than enough time to create our images and used an ISO of 200 to capture the beauty of our colours. I secretly love how the waves are sometimes different shades of blue, for example, the bottom right corner has two rows of a darker blue than the other three became lighter.

Self-Portrait anyone?

I decided to use my shadow for a self-portrait and though I don't have any proof but my word, I can assure anyone that this is me. I had the idea to take a photo of my shadow because I don't particularly enjoy being infront of the camera so I thought this to be a cool way of being yet not being photographed. Also in a sort of metaphoric way, the shadows created can be represented as how everyone has different layers and these shadows are mine. I chose this pose because I wanted a look that was laid back and the beige tones exagerating that calm and cool feeling. I got this color by using a tungsten light but directing it a tad to the left instead of directly behind me. I also boosted the color a bit to add an intensity.