Monday, 17 September 2012


  Making the photograms was simple yet so complex. When you explain to someone how to make a photogram, you would usually say "well you go into a dark room then take your photo paper,place your objects on your paper, expose it to light. One you've done that, soak your photo in the developper for 30 seconds into the stop for 90 seconds and into the fix for 30 seconds" Simple right? Wrong. Placing your objects on your paper is simple but when it comes to light exposure things get a little tricky. Your timing has to be somewhat perfect to get the picture you want. Exposing light for too long can cause objects (like a feather) to loose it's detail. (as shown in my photograms).

 My first photogram (above) which is basically abstract was easy to capture because they were all solid objects (except for the feather) I exposed it to an Iphone light for roughly 5 seconds. Everything turned out perfect because what was exposed was pitch black and the parts that were covered were a very pale white. The only part I wasn't happy about was the fact that the feather just seemed like a curved piece of paper. Like I wrote previously, it lost it's detail caused by overexposure.

My second photogram (above) became exactly what I wanted. Exposing the paper for only 2 seconds the detail of the feather was impeccable and the sunglasses had a cool effect. Since light passes through the lenses easier, you saw the shape of the sunglasses perfectly. Also, because it wasn't exposed for long the color isn't completely black, but a type of dark grey giving it somewhat of an older feel to the photo.

Second time in the photo lab I knew exactly what I wanted. Using a small book I wanted to flapped out pages to create a sort of "light beaming" experience emerging from the ground. The only fear I had with this was exposing it for too long and having the pages come out more as a block than dispersed lines. Ironically my first problem was not enough exposure leaving more than 3/4 of my paper white(exposing it for 2 seconds). I feel like I got it right the second time right when I exposed it for strictly 4 seconds, I captured an interesting idea. the top center of the photo became a very dark black and as it goes lower into the photo it becomes light and light shades of grey to an almost white. The side top corners are a light grey and again as we move lower become lighter and lighter til the lines sort of merge together to make a half circle at the bottom of the photo. I personally like this photo because the different shades gives the idea that the light can eventually take over the darkness.